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Bright Innovators: Intelligent Communities


To help students become more civically engaged by imagining the possibilities of current and future technology


Any and all students K-12


In their own classrooms!


Utilizing Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) methodology.

Learn how to execute a SOLE session:

To execute a SOLE session, all you need is a computer, internet connection and students who are ready to learn!

1. Access program questions for students K-12:

2. Select Bright Innovators

3. Select grade level

4. Use individual Bright Innovators puzzle pieces or a full mural to capture, display and demonstrate how students can engage in their communities and make a difference. The puzzle piece can be printed or cut on Fab Lab equipment to build a school mural.

Download the file here

This SOLE session is just the first step in the Bright Innovators, Intelligent Communities program to inspire students to explore, investigate and pursue STEM-based careers.

Questions? Please contact us at